We Work Hard To Provide You The Best Quality Windshield Repair Kits and More!
It is a long established fact that S.I.C.K. Kits windshield repair kits are easy to learn. Why would you spend more than you need to on a windshield repair kit that gives you the same results? With our SICK kits you can fill the chip in within 10 minutes or less without the need of fancy equipment, pumps, or hoses. Our repair systems are designed to be user-friendly and inexpensive to maintain. Pick up a reusable kit today and see the results 1st hand!
Our Company
S.I.C.K. (Superior Industry Chip Kits) Kits, family-owned and operated since 2007 focuses on offering affordable, compact, lightweight, easy to use products. Our kits are reusable allowing for multiple repairs.

So why would you spend more than you need to on a rock chip repair kit? Many Kits and systems have too many parts and accessories, things that are not needed for quality windshield repair! We give you what you need so you don’t have to spend a fortune!
With our resin and specially designed injector, you only have to use one drop of resin. Filling the injector with more resin than necessary may add unnecessary pressure and damage the threads or worse case crack out the windshield.
Interested? Shop This S.I.C.K. Inventory Now!
#1 Worldwide in High-Quality Chip Repair Products.
Windshield Repair Kit
Stage 1 S.I.C.K. Kit.
Repair Resins
Premium Thin Resin.
S.I.C.K. Kit Chrome Bridge.